Hiring in the Public Safety Sector
Hiring managers who buy a job pack can post job listings, advertise much-needed positions, and access candidate resumes for free. Applicants can even apply directly on the site!
RedBlueJobs is the only online job portal dedicated to recruitment across the entire public safety sector. The platform only accepts job listings for Fire, Police, Corrections, EMS, Communications/Dispatch, Emergency Management, and Public Health.
By using this site, departments can post job listings for public safety departments, advertise much-needed positions, give hiring managers access to candidate resumes, and applicants can apply directly on the site creating a more visual and organized way to track applications
Job listings will include the description of the job and how to apply. Here you can highlight the values your department is looking for and what is expected from staff on a day-to-day basis.
RedBlueJobs Packs are priced competitively with municipal, county, and state budgets in mind.
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